We don’t hear many sirens at our house, but when we do, the dogs tend to ignore them. At most, they might look in that general direction for a few seconds. Tuesday was different. Lots of sirens went by our cul-de-sac three separate times, and each time it was several vehicles, not just one. The first time, about 3:45 (yes, I went home early), Reyna ignored them and Duncan just raised his head and looked. The second time, about 6:15, Reyna raised her head and looked and Duncan actually wandered over to the fence to see what he could see. The third time was a whole ‘nother story. It happened at 10:40, and the sirens lasted for several minutes. Duncan shot through the dog door and proceeded to howl until all the sirens had stopped (Duncan has never howled at sirens before, but he does howl at other things). Reyna’s response had me laughing. She went to the kitchen windows and started barking. But her bark was different than usual. After a couple of normal barks, she changed to shorter, higher-pitched barks that sounded exactly like a stuttering howl. This was the first time in her life that she’s howled (or close to it). Can’t wait to hear what happens the next time we hear sirens!
Wow, we hear sirens off in the distance quite alot. See we live back off in the country. Still though my babies never really pay attention to them much either. But every once in a blue moon they do howl. My late Mom use to tell me that when a dog howls at sirens it meant that someone was dead. Now I do not know if that always is true. But I know a couple of times when my dogs howled it did prove true. It sort of spooked me, if ya know what I mean.
Um, yeah, that is pretty creepy, especially since my dogs don't usually howl at sirens...
My question is . . . what is going on in your neighborhood? I thought we had the mafia in our neck of the woods.
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