
Friday, November 19, 2010

Zoom Zoom

I’ve been working with the trainer that Duncan and I met at the Mutt Strut a few weeks ago. I originally contacted her to find out about Rally classes, but decided to take a different route. Instead, Reyna, Duncan and I are doing private lessons with the trainer. Reyna is focusing on tricks and really working her brain, with some physical stuff thrown in for fun. Duncan will eventually start working on tricks, but for now, we’re working on Rally stuff. The pups take turns working, and have a nice carpeted place they can rest during their breaks.

Yesterday was a blast. Reyna showed off her new “which hand has the cookie” and “shell game” tricks, and then started working on putting her paws on my arm and saying her prayers. During her break, Duncan worked on better positioning for Rally and started learning pivots (going right, he can do; left, not so much). Then we pulled out several jumps and the tunnel and started working with those. That’s when Reyna took a real interest in what he was doing. I sent Duncan over to rest for a bit, and Reyna came flying out of the rest area. She was running between me and the trainer, bowing and bouncing and bounding and zooming around the room. Popping through the tunnel, sometime going over the jumps, sometimes going around the jumps. Back and forth, around and around. This went on for several minutes. She was so happy, and so clearly enjoying herself. I haven’t seen her act like that in years, and I couldn’t help but grin the entire time.


Anonymous said...

You got pictures, of course!!!!!
Yes, I know you did!!!
Glad ya'll had fun!!!
:) Love, Mom

German Shepherd Mom said...

Sadly, there were no photos. Neither of us had our cameras (although we certainly will from now on, just in case).