
Sunday, February 21, 2010

My Poor Baby

Poor little Reyna’s been sick since late last night. I’ll spare everyone the details, but trust me when I say its not been pretty. Thank goodness Reyna knows to get herself outside in time. I was happy to discover I had some rice in the cupboard, and days like this are exactly why I froze several containers of broth the last few times I stewed rabbit meat.


Anonymous said...

Poor baby....hope she gets better soon. And thanks for no details!!! Give Reyna a pat on the head for me... :)Love, Mom

Ivy said...

My GSD used to have stomach issues all the time as a puppy! I know the feeling. My vet said we could give her pepto bismal in small amounts. Hope she gets well soon!

John Van said...

What no pictures? Alas...

German Shepherd Mom said...

John - I'll see if I can get an "illness in action" shot, just for you.

Peaches & Taruh - pepto is on my list of options if she's still sick in a day or so. I like to give the rice time to work before I put another medication into her well-drugged system.