I think Kodiak's going to be a real camera hog.
This is my favorite picture of Kodiak - mostly because its the best one I've taken. There's no snow, its not cloudy, he's standing up, and you can actually see his coloring (except the white bulls-eye on his butt). I love the mane and the light spots at each eye. And hooray, his tail has filled out!
Kodiak bringing his tennis ball back to me.
And a nice shot of Duncan.
All three pups, and the sun's rays making a neat streaky effect.
This is a pretty common sight - Duncan rolling Kodiak while Reyna waits for me to throw her ball.
Kodiak in motion.
Another common sight - Duncan chasing Kodiak. This is a favorite game of theirs. Kodiak runs circles around the yard and then heads for the honeysuckle vines along the back fence with Duncan in hot pursuit.
Kodiak instigates most of the rough and tumble games.
He may be little (only about 25 pounds), but Kodiak can hold his own with Duncan.
Just ignore the fact that Duncan has Kodiak's face in his mouth...
Kodiak has learned that its hard for Duncan and Reyna to get to him if he's actually sitting underneath them.
Check out Kodiak's half-purple tongue.
This was my favorite of Reyna from yesterday.
What better way to end a series of photos than with a cute pup?
Great pics!!!!! A great way to enjoy the warmth and the sunshine!!!!
But an hour to think of your camera....guess whatever you are taking for your bad cold is fogging up your brain...poor baby!
:)Love, Mom
Kodiak has sure filled out nicely and his coat and tail look great...all in all he looks very healthy compared to the pup that was brought to you. And yes he is freakishly cute and that's that. Mary B.
What an absolutely BEAUTIFUL family of dogs! Of course, I am a little partial to those perky ears. Of course, floppy ones attract me, too☺
This is my first time visiting but it won't be my last, not by a long shot.
GORGEOUS dogs. Just beautiful. I've always loved German Shepherds!!
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