The bells go on very easily, but the braces take a bit of effort. They have a hole in the back for the pad at the top of her foot, so they have to be positioned just right. They're secured with long strips of some kind of super-velcro that sticks to everything, including itself. Reyna is remarkably patient, though, and doesn't fuss when I put them on her.
In this clip, Reyna is walking faster than she’s supposed to be, but its very hard to keep her to a slow pace and work the video camera. On our second walk today, maybe I’ll get lucky and a neighbor will be outside and willing to record us walking.
Here, Reyna is in complete denial. “What braces? What bells? Mom? I don’t see Mom.” Her roll was unfortunately interrupted by the mail man (who, I’d like to add, she did not bark at (at whom she did not bark?)).
"Lalalalalala...I can't hear you!"
Reyna looks cute and very much in fashion with her braces and bells!!! :)Love, Mom
I've found your blog interesting and decided to follow! :-)
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