She’s slowly starting to adjust to the Pb, although she still has some trouble most days. If I can convince her to take a nap soon after getting her meds, she seems to do a bit better. Of course, that’s next to impossible, so she generally just fights the lethargy. She’s less clumsy than she was last week, but her hips bother her worse than before. She actually fell out of the truck twice today. I may have to see if she’ll start using the ramp I originally bought for Duncan.
Reyna went to the regular vet on Monday for a blood test to check her liver enzymes. The test came back fine, but shows that her Pb levels are actually lower than usual for a dog her size taking her dose. I had left a message last Friday for the neuro about lowering her dose, but after her test, that won’t happen. And to make things worse, she’s had a few mini-seizures since then. They last about 5-10 seconds, and she seems fine a soon as they end, with no disorientation. Of course, that just makes the neuro want to raise her dose, which I’m against. While she would eventually become “normal” on a higher dose, there’s definitely a difference between normal for her and normal for most other dogs. There’s also a difference between normal for dogs that actually do things (such as freestyle, SAR, and rally), and dogs that simply lie around the house all day. Duncan, for instance, would probably show no significant change in behavior if he ever had to go on Pb...
We have an appointment on the 13th with a dermatologist at the vet school, and I’m hoping they’ll be able to run down her allergy and auto-immune issues. Once they run their tests, I want to sit down with the derm, neuro, and regular vet and decide her course of treatment. I know the derm and neuro want to fix their specific problems, but we definitely have to look at the whole picture, and decide whats going to be best for Reyna. After all, I want to have her on as few long-term meds as possible.
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